Basketball Try out 25th of January

Are you a new student in Uppsala and want to play Basketball with other students? Or maybe just come and try Basketball and have fun for a while? Then you are welcome at this try-out opportunity!

We offer all students in Uppsala who are curious about playing and practicing Basketball with other students an opportunity to come to this Try out. We play for a while in easy ways while you get information about where in Uppsala you can play basketball with other students. You will also have the opportunity to register an interest in playing in Campus1477's mixed basketball team in the student series during the spring. In addition to series games, Campus1477 will offer continued basketball training at Polacksbacken during the spring.

Location: Campus1477 (small entrance on the side of the building by the bicycle parking lot)

Day and time: 25 January at 5-6.30 pm

Equipment: Indoor shoes and clothes to play basketball in

Level: The opportunity is mainly aimed at those who have played a basketball before and want to train and play together with other students who have also played basketball. 

Leader: The session is led by Alexander Sundquist, who is a committed basketball player in student life in Uppsala. Alexander will also be the one leading Campus1477's basketball team and the practices at Polacksbacken. If you are interested in playing in the team, you can talk to Alexander on site

Registration: Register by 23 of Jan at the latest or as long as there are places in this form

ATTENTION! Maximum number of participants is 25!

This event is a part of "Student Sports Lift" a collaboration between
Uppsala University and Campus1477 sponsored by 

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